At Granite State Painters, we understand the importance of thorough preparation before painting the exterior of a home. This process ensures a smooth, durable finish that withstands the elements and enhances your home's curb appeal.
Here are the steps we take to prepare your home for exterior painting:
Inspection and Planning
We begin by conducting a comprehensive inspection of the exterior surface to identify any necessary repairs or prep work. This includes checking for cracks, peeling paint, mold, and mildew.
Cleaning the Surface
Next, we thoroughly clean your home’s exterior to create a clean canvas for painting. This involves using a pressure washer with an environmentally friendly bleach and water mixture to remove dirt, mold, and mildew. For stubborn areas, we use scrub brushes and specialized cleaning solutions to ensure a thorough clean. This step is crucial for achieving a strong bond between the surface and the new paint.
Repairing Damage
After cleaning, we focus on repairing damaged surfaces. We scrape off loose, peeling paint and sand the surface to ensure it is smooth and even. Any cracks or holes are filled with high-quality exterior filler and sanded down for a seamless finish. If necessary, we orchestrate rot repair by replacing rotten boards to ensure structural integrity. This attention to detail ensures that your home's exterior is not only visually appealing but also structurally sound.
Protecting Surrounding Areas
To protect surrounding areas from paint splatters, we cover nearby plants, windows, doors, and other surfaces with plastic sheeting or painter's tape. This careful preparation prevents any unwanted mess and ensures that only the intended surfaces are painted.
Once the surface is clean and repaired, we apply primer as needed. This may involve spot priming areas where bare wood is exposed to ensure better paint adhesion. In some cases, if the paint is very old or if you're making a significant color change, we may apply a full primer coat to ensure a uniform finish.
Final Preparation
Finally, we complete any remaining tasks before painting. This includes caulking gaps between siding and trim for a seamless appearance. We conduct a final inspection to ensure all prep work is complete and the surface is ready for painting.
By following these steps, Granite State Painters ensures that your home's exterior is properly prepared for a beautiful and long-lasting paint job. Contact us today to schedule your project in New Hampshire.